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Data Space Deployment

As we have seen in the Data Space - Join one section, it is mandatory to deploy a connector in each organization that wants to share data in a Data Space. This connector is responsible for managing the data sharing process with the rest of the Data Space members.

These are the instructions to deploy a Data Space from scratch with Fiware technologies.

Minimal Viable Data Space

The minimal viable data space is composed of a Trust Anchor and a Data Space Connector (Reference).

FIWARE Data Space Connector

FIWARE developed a Data Space Connector that can be deployed in a local environment. This connector is a minimal version of the Data Space Connector that can be used to test the Data Space functionalities.

From scratch

This section describes how to deploy a Data Space from scratch in different scenarios:

  • Cloud provider.
  • On-premises infrastructure.


This guide is a work in progress. It will be updated with more detailed in the next months. Terraform deployment.

Data Federation

The Data Federation is a more complex scenario where multiple Data Spaces or data platform are federated to share data. Depending on the technology used, the federation process can be different.
